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Parent Resources

Parental involvement is a combination of commitment and active participation on the part of parent to the school and to the student. As parents you can ensure that your child receives the benefits from parental involvement by staying up to date on what is happening in the classroom.

Tulsa Public Schools is committed to helping your child develop the academic knowledge and critical thinking he or she needs to succeed in school and beyond. As a result, these involvement opportunities empower parents to take action. By connecting parents to school officials, community members, other parents, knowledge, and powerful allies, these opportunities build bridges and networks that support schools and sustain whole communities.

Here are some suggestions for helping your children in reading, writing, math and other academic areas:

You are your child’s greatest cheerleader!

Children do better in school when parents and guardians get involved. Attend school events, join parent/guardian groups, use the Power School Parent Portal to keep up with grades and assignments, and visit your school’s Web site. Also, contact the school for additional information about your children’s academic progress and the tests they are taking at school.

Let your children know how important their work at school is and how interested you are in what they are doing. Talk with them everyday about:

  • What they did at school
  • What homework must be finished for the next day
  • What needs to be done on a future project

What you do at home can make a very big difference in how well your children achieve in school.

  • Attend parent conferences to find out how well your child is achieving and what he/she needs to do to improve.
  • Discuss with your children the importance of going to school every day and doing their best on assignments and tests.
  • Make sure your children have a quiet place to study and that they complete all homework assignments.