About Us
Welcome to Hoover Elementary!
At Hoover, we introduce our students to the world of learning, the world of ideas, and the world of possibilities. Every student, at every grade level, has the opportunity to be a leader. In addition to helping students understand how to manage themselves and collaborate with others, we incorporate the innovative use of technology, meaningful assessments, group interaction, and careful attention to the learning needs and gifts of each child.
Thriving Learning Community
Community is one of our core values, and every child has the opportunity to buddy in cross-grade pairings throughout the school year. Each grade takes a turn at leading our Monday meeting and presents to their peers in other grades. Student leaders also take charge of their own parent conferences by meeting with their teachers and families to reflect on their learning, progress, celebrations, and contributions.
Hoover elementary
2327 S. Darlington Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Phone: 918-746-9120
Facebook: HooverElementaryTulsa
Meet our Interim principal