Upcoming Events
Tulsa Educare, 2190 S. 67th E. Ave.
Peoria WIC, 6406 S Peoria Ave
Chamberlain Park, 4940 N Frankfort Ave
Mingo WIC, 9924 E 21st St
Helpful Information
Student and Parent Handbook
Peachjar Flyers
Click here for school and community flyers from non-profit, charitable, and civic organizations.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Chocolate Chip Breakfast Round
Apple Slices
Mini Chicken Corn Dogs, Hamburger, Tossed Salad w/ Cheese, Dinner Roll, Sun Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Macaroni & Cheese, Turkey & Cheese Sub, Fruit, Vegetables
What's Happening
Hoover Elementary School will introduce its students to the world of learning, the world of ideas, and the world of possibilities, through the innovative use of technology, meaningful assessments, group interaction, leadership opportunities, and careful attention to the learning needs and gifts of each child.